The government of Kenya has made ICT a priority in its economic recovery strategy initiatives. With the incentives and benefits that Kenya has to offer, the following areas can be invested in:

Investment Opportunities in Information Technology and Communication

  1. I.T. Enabled Services
  2. Call Centers for both inbound and outbound calls
  3. Wide range of Business Process Outsourcing activities
  4. Disaster recovery
  5. Software development
  6. Education and Training
  7. ICT Habitats
  8. Development of Broadband infrastructure

Knowledge Industry

To compliment all the above sectors, Kenya aspires to attract internationally reputable educational institutions, universities and training centres. The following areas exist for investment:

  1. Science and technology centers
  2. IT Centers of Excellence
  3. Training Centers for Hospitality industry
  4. Schools for Fashion and Design
  5. Schools for Business and International Marketing